Status Perizinan:
Tercatat di OJKNomor dan tanggal Surat Penetapan Izin:
S-80/MS.72/2020 pada 10 Febuari 2020
Jenis Usaha(Cluster):
021 50890506
RDTX Tower Lantai 11 Unit 1106, Jalan Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. E-IV Kuningan Timur, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Aspire is the all-in-one finance operating system for growing businesses.
We help companies pay, manage, and earn smarter - by doing more than a bank, bookkeeper, or reward program could ever do alone.
Our mission is to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs with the financial tools they need to realise their company’s full potential.
We believe that if we can empower business owners to be successful, they will go on to make meaningful impact to the communities we are all part of.
Ukuran Perusahaan:
Status Investasi:
Limit Kredit untuk Bisnis
Limit kredit instan dan fleksibel untuk bisnis
Pengajuan online dalam 5 menit, persetujuan dalam 2 hari kerja
Kepada Kami
Senin - Jumat, pukul 08.00 - 17.00 WIB
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